Quarterly Newsletter
Weather touches every aspect of our lives. The Unified Forecast System (UFS) and NOAA’s Earth Prediction Innovation Center (EPIC) are working to power the next generation of weather forecast models. We bring together experts from government, academia, industry, and beyond to drive innovation through collaboration.
The quarterly newsletters are designed to help improve and expand communications with our key stakeholders, industry partners, and the public. They highlight the significant news and activities happening across the program.
We encourage you to share this newsletter within your networks to broaden the UFS community’s reach and impact. To stay informed, sign up for the UFS mailing list.
What’s New?
The Earth Prediction Innovation Center (EPIC) and the Unified Forecast System (UFS) community are proud to announce the public release of the UFS Land Data Assimilation (DA) System v1.2.0. More Info
The Earth Prediction Innovation Center (EPIC) and the Unified Forecast System (UFS) community are proud to announce the public release of the UFS Short-Range Weather (SRW) Application v2.2.0 More Info
Earth Prediction Innovation Center (EPIC) and the Unified Forecast System (UFS) held a successful five-day Unifying Innovations in Forecasting Capabilities Workshop (UIFCW) at NCAR (Boulder, Colorado) on July 24th through July 28th 2023. Presentation Slides and more information are available on the EPIC website
Ever wondered what the UFS is? Check out the latest downloadable brochure here
Knowledge Base
UFS Introduction